java.util.Objects #
Method | Description |
equals(Object a, Object b) | Safely compares two objects for equality. |
deepEquals(Object a, Object b) | Performs a deep comparison of two objects, including arrays. |
hash(Object... values) | Generates a hash code for multiple objects. |
hashCode(Object o) | Returns the hash code of an object or 0 if null . |
toString(Object o) | Returns the toString() of an object or "null" . |
toString(Object o, String nullDefault) | Returns the toString() of an object or a default string. |
requireNonNull(T obj) | Throws NullPointerException if the object is null . |
requireNonNullElse(T obj, T defaultObj) | Returns the object if non-null , or a default value. |
isNull(Object obj) | Checks if an object is null . |
nonNull(Object obj) | Checks if an object is non-null . |
compare(T a, T b, Comparator<? super T> c) | Compares two objects using a comparator. |
checkIndex(int index, int length) | Ensures that the index is within valid bounds. |
Exceptions #
Exception | Type | Description |
NullPointerException | Unchecked | Attempt to use null as if it were an object. |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Unchecked | Accessing an array with an illegal index. |
IllegalArgumentException | Unchecked | Method argument is inappropriate or illegal. |
IllegalStateException | Unchecked | Method called at an inappropriate time. |
IndexOutOfBoundsException | Unchecked | General index is out of range. |
ArithmeticException | Unchecked | Arithmetic error (e.g., divide by zero). |
ClassCastException | Unchecked | Invalid casting of an object. |
NumberFormatException | Unchecked | Failure to convert string to a number. |
IOException | Checked | I/O operation failure. |
FileNotFoundException | Checked | File operation on a file that doesn’t exist. |
InterruptedException | Checked | Thread is interrupted while it is waiting or sleeping. |
SQLException | Checked | Database access or SQL error. |
NoSuchElementException | Unchecked | Attempting to access an element that does not exist. |
UnsupportedOperationException | Unchecked | Operation is unsupported. |
TimeoutException | Checked | Operation times out. |
OutOfMemoryError | Error | JVM runs out of memory (serious issue). |