

In Java, Vector is a legacy class that implements a dynamically resizable array, much like ArrayList. It is part of the original Java collections framework but is synchronized, which makes it thread-safe. However, this synchronization introduces overhead, and thus Vector is generally less preferred compared to ArrayList for non-threaded applications.

For modern Java development, Vector is generally replaced by ArrayList in non-threaded applications and by CopyOnWriteArrayList or Collections.synchronizedList() in threaded applications. If you need a dynamic array in a multithreaded environment and are concerned about thread safety, you can use Vector. Otherwise, ArrayList is usually a better choice for general usage.

Advantages #

  1. Thread-Safe: Vector is synchronized, meaning it is thread-safe out of the box. If you need a thread-safe dynamic array, Vector can be useful without needing external synchronization mechanisms.
  2. Resizing Mechanism: Like ArrayList, Vector automatically resizes itself when more elements are added beyond its current capacity. By default, the resizing increases the capacity by 100% (i.e., doubles the current capacity), which reduces the frequency of reallocations.
  3. Index-Based Access: Since Vector uses an array internally, it provides O(1) random access to elements.
  4. Legacy Support: Some legacy systems or APIs still use Vector, so it may be required to work with them for backward compatibility.

Disadvantages #

  1. Performance Overhead: The synchronized methods in Vector add overhead even if only a single thread is accessing it. In modern applications, ArrayList is generally preferred unless synchronization is required.
  2. Excessive Synchronization: Even in non-concurrent contexts, Vector performs synchronization, leading to unnecessary performance degradation. If synchronization is not needed, using ArrayList or explicit synchronization mechanisms (like Collections.synchronizedList) is more efficient.
  3. Less Used in Modern Java: Vector has largely been replaced by ArrayList and other collections that are not synchronized by default. Explicit synchronization can be applied when necessary.

Time and Space Complexity: #

OperationTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityDescription
Access (get/set)O(1)O(n)Index-based access and setting values are O(1), thanks to the underlying array.
Search (contains)O(n)O(1)Searching for an element requires scanning the entire array.
Insertion (add)O(1) amortizedO(n)Amortized O(1) when adding elements, though occasional resizing costs O(n).
Deletion (remove)O(n)O(n)Removing an element requires shifting elements, which takes O(n).
Resizing ArrayO(n)O(n)Resizing involves creating a new array and copying elements.
IterationO(n)O(1)Iterating through the vector takes O(n).

Examples #

  1. Initialization and Adding Elements:

    • Time Complexity: O(1) (amortized for adding elements)
    // Initialize a Vector
    Vector<Integer> vector = new Vector<>();
    // Add elements
    vector.add(1);   // [1]
    vector.add(2);   // [1, 2]
    vector.add(3);   // [1, 2, 3]
    vector.addElement(4);  // [1, 2, 3, 4] (addElement is legacy method from the initial Java days)
  2. Accessing Elements by Index:

    • Time Complexity: O(1)
    // Get an element by index
    int value = vector.get(2);  // Returns 3
  3. Inserting at a Specific Index:

    • Time Complexity: O(n) (since elements need to be shifted)
    // Insert element at index 1
    vector.add(1, 10);  // [1, 10, 2, 3, 4]
  4. Removing an Element:

    • Time Complexity: O(n) (due to shifting elements)
    // Remove by index
    vector.remove(2);  // Removes element at index 2 (2), result: [1, 10, 3, 4]
    // Remove by value
    vector.remove((Integer) 10);  // Removes the element 10, result: [1, 3, 4]
  5. Resizing Behavior:

    • Vectors automatically double their size when the capacity is exceeded. You can control the capacity explicitly as well:
    // Initialize a Vector with an initial capacity of 5
    Vector<String> v = new Vector<>(5);
    // Add elements to force resizing
    v.add("F");  // Triggers a resize (capacity doubles)
  6. Thread-Safe Access:

    • Time Complexity: O(1) for simple access but with added synchronization overhead
    // Accessing a vector safely in a multithreaded environment
    synchronized (vector) {
        for (int element : vector) {
  7. Iterating Over a Vector:

    • Time Complexity: O(n)
    // Iterating over a Vector
    for (Integer num : vector) {
  8. Using Legacy Methods:

    • The Vector class also has several legacy methods such as addElement and removeElement which were part of the original version of Java collections.
    // Add using legacy method
    vector.addElement(5);  // [1, 3, 4, 5]
    // Remove using legacy method
    vector.removeElement((Integer) 3);  // [1, 4, 5]