

In Java, Stack is a class that extends Vector and implements a standard Last In First Out (LIFO) stack data structure. It inherits the synchronization properties of Vector, making it thread-safe but with similar performance drawbacks due to synchronization overhead.

Advantages #

  1. LIFO Behavior: The stack operates with a Last In First Out order, which is useful in many algorithms and processes, such as parsing expressions, backtracking, or implementing recursive algorithms iteratively.
  2. Thread-Safe: Since Stack extends Vector, it is synchronized, making it thread-safe by default. This can be useful when multiple threads need to share the same stack.
  3. Easy-to-Use API: Stack provides simple methods like push(), pop(), peek(), which directly support typical stack operations.

Disadvantages #

  1. Performance Overhead: Since Stack inherits from Vector, it inherits its synchronized nature, which can lead to performance issues when synchronization is not required. This makes it slower compared to modern, non-synchronized alternatives like ArrayDeque.
  2. Legacy Class: Stack is considered a legacy class, and modern alternatives such as ArrayDeque or LinkedList are preferred for stack operations in non-threaded applications due to better performance and flexibility.
  3. Unnecessary Synchronization: If the stack is only used by one thread, the inherent synchronization is unnecessary and can degrade performance.

Comparison with Deque (ArrayDeque or LinkedList) #

In modern Java development, Deque (like ArrayDeque or LinkedList) is preferred for stack implementations. Here’s why:

  • Non-Synchronized: Deque is not synchronized by default, leading to better performance in non-concurrent scenarios.
  • More Flexibility: Deque can be used as both a stack and a queue, providing greater flexibility.
  • Better Performance: ArrayDeque in particular offers O(1) performance for push, pop, and peek operations without synchronization overhead.

Time and Space Complexity #

OperationTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityDescription
push (insert)O(1)O(n)Inserting an element at the top of the stack is constant time.
pop (remove)O(1)O(n)Removing an element from the top of the stack is constant time.
peek (access top)O(1)O(1)Accessing the top element without removing it is constant time.
search (search)O(n)O(1)Searching for an element requires scanning the stack.
IterationO(n)O(1)Iterating through the stack takes linear time.

Examples #

  1. Initialization and Pushing Elements:

    • Time Complexity: O(1) for each push
    // Initialize a Stack
    Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
    // Push elements onto the stack
    stack.push(1);   // [1]
    stack.push(2);   // [1, 2]
    stack.push(3);   // [1, 2, 3]
  2. Accessing the Top Element (peek):

    • Time Complexity: O(1)
    int topElement = stack.peek();  // Returns 3, the element at the top
  3. Popping an Element:

    • Time Complexity: O(1)
    int poppedElement = stack.pop();  // Removes and returns 3, stack becomes [1, 2]
  4. Searching for an Element:

    • Time Complexity: O(n)
    int position =;  // Returns the 1-based position of the element (2nd from top)
  5. Checking if the Stack is Empty:

    • Time Complexity: O(1)
    boolean isEmpty = stack.isEmpty();  // Returns false if the stack has elements
  6. Iterating Over the Stack:

    • Time Complexity: O(n)
    // Iterating through the stack (from bottom to top)
    for (Integer item : stack) {
  7. Thread-Safe Access:

    • Time Complexity: O(1) for push and pop operations
    // Stack is thread-safe for concurrent use
    synchronized (stack) {
        int value = stack.pop();
  8. Reversing a String Using Stack:

    public class StringReverser {
        public static String reverse(String str) {
            Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
            // Push all characters onto the stack
            for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
            // Pop all characters from the stack and append to result
            StringBuilder reversed = new StringBuilder();
            while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
            return reversed.toString();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String result = reverse("hello");
            System.out.println(result);  // Output: "olleh"
  9. Balanced Parentheses Checker Using Stack:

    public class ParenthesesChecker {
        public static boolean isBalanced(String expression) {
            Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
            for (char c : expression.toCharArray()) {
                if (c == '(' || c == '{' || c == '[') {
                } else if (c == ')' || c == '}' || c == ']') {
                    if (stack.isEmpty()) {
                        return false;
                    char top = stack.pop();
                    if ((c == ')' && top != '(') ||
                        (c == '}' && top != '{') ||
                        (c == ']' && top != '[')) {
                        return false;
            return stack.isEmpty();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String expression = "{[()]}";
            System.out.println(isBalanced(expression));  // Output: true

Conclusion: #

  • Stack in Java provides a thread-safe, synchronized implementation of a LIFO (Last In, First Out) data structure. It is simple to use and provides convenient methods for typical stack operations such as push, pop, and peek.
  • Advantages: It is thread-safe, easy to use, and provides fast access for stack-related operations.
  • Disadvantages: Stack is a legacy class, and the synchronized methods introduce unnecessary overhead in single-threaded contexts. Modern alternatives such as ArrayDeque or LinkedList (when used as a stack) are usually preferred due to better performance in non-threaded environments.